Chronic Pain Treatment Resources and Industry News
How Does Spinal Stimulation Work?
October 30, 2017
Living with chronic pain is something no one should have to experience. While general doctors mean well, they often lack the knowledge of those who specialize in pain treatment and
What is Kyphoplasty?
October 19, 2017
Kyphoplasty is a surgical procedure performed on the spine to treat vertebral fractures. It is a minimally invasive surgery that stabilizes fractured vertebrae, reduces fracture-induced back pain and prevents further fractures. When
Living With a Spinal Cord Stimulator
September 8, 2017
What is a spinal cord stimulator? In short, it’s device that helps patients manage chronic pain. The goal of this device is for those wearing it to feel much less
How Kyphoplasty Can Correct Spinal Compression
May 25, 2017
What Is Kyphoplasty? Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive medical procedure to treat osteoporosis. It involves inserting a balloon in a fractured spinal vertebrae and filling the space with bone cement.
What Is Pain Management?
May 9, 2017
There are many types of pain, and not every type is treatable with a painkiller or pill. Pain management is a term for a medical specialty. This is a unique
Understanding the Effects of Cancer Treatment on Bone Health
March 29, 2017
Osteoporosis is a fairly common condition that results in weakened, brittle bones and loss of bone mass throughout the body. Although anyone can develop osteoporosis, it is more common in
What Is a Nerve Block and How Can It Help You?
March 1, 2017
What Are Nerve Blocks? Nerve blocks work as a way of disrupting pain signals in nerves before the brain has a chance to process that pain. This is achieved by injecting
How to Find a Back Pain Management Solution that Works for You
January 18, 2017
When looking for a chronic back pain management solution, it’s hard to know which treatments will work or last in the long run. You may be prescribed different types of
Previous Articles:
Chronic pain and the changing seasons
September 10, 2019
Fall is upon us, and while it may be hard for many people to let go of summer and the fun it brings, others may dread the new season for
Osteoporosis: Symptoms, Risk Factors, Prevention
September 10, 2019
From the moment you are born until young adulthood, your bones are developing and strengthening. Bones are living tissue that constantly changes. Our bones are at their most dense when
Managing anxiety caused by chronic pain
August 12, 2019
If you have been diagnosed with a chronic condition that causes pain, such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, or others, it can feel like your future is uncertain. How will
What is an epidural steroid injection?
August 5, 2019
An epidural steroid injection is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat back, neck, leg, and arm pain caused by inflamed spinal nerves due to spinal stenosis or disc herniation.
More than medicine: managing migraines with lifestyle
July 16, 2019
You eat dark chocolate, and you get a really bad headache. You drink a glass of wine, and you get a really bad headache. You have an extremely stressful day
Pain relief with facet joint injections
July 9, 2019
Have you ever heard of a facet joint, and did you know you have them in your spine? Facet joints are small joints along your spine responsible for flexibility and