Chronic Pain Treatment Resources and Industry News

Previous Articles:

woman writing in pain journal

If You Don’t Have a Pain Journal, Start One Now!

March 11, 2019

We will be the first ones to admit that chronic pain is tough to figure out and treat. There are often so many unknown variables, but we have to start


Exploring a Confusing and Painful Disorder: Fibromyalgia

March 5, 2019

Fibromyalgia is a somewhat confusing and painful condition that remains surrounded by questions in the medical community. We don’t yet know what exactly causes it, but it is a very

pain scale

Your Pain Level & How to Increase Pain Tolerance

February 11, 2019

Do you experience pain and consider yourself to have a pretty high pain tolerance? If you experience chronic pain, this is probably something you have experience with. It’s probably something

woman in emotional and physical and physical pain on floor

The Connection Between Physical & Emotional Pain

February 7, 2019

If you suffer from chronic pain, there’s a good chance you’ve had someone say something to you, such as “It’s all in your head.” And while that can be a

paper that says risk factors

Pain Risk Factors You May Not Know About

January 9, 2019

Many people think that chronic pain is just something they have to live with, but changing a few simple aspects of your lifestyle may actually decrease the pain you experience.

woman holding hands to head, blurred background

More Than Migraines: Different Types of Headaches

January 9, 2019

Almost everyone has had a headache at some point in their life. For some, it’s a pretty rare, short-lived, inconvenient experience, but for others it is a common occurrence involving