Chronic Pain Treatment Resources and Industry News
COVID-19 update and information
March 17, 2020
At Southside Pain Specialists, we have taken every precaution to ensure the safety and well-being of our staff and patients. If you have an appointment, you should feel safe about
Is a spinal cord stimulator the answer to getting your active lifestyle back?
March 8, 2020
When it comes to chronic pain, we have a variety of treatment options, but our goal is usually management rather than finding a cure. One option that has provided excellent
Hello spring: Commit to a more active lifestyle for pain management
March 6, 2020
We know that changing seasons may have an effect on pain levels, but different seasons can also affect your lifestyle. After a long, cold, rainy winter season, spring is finally
Sacroiliac joint injections for back pain
February 13, 2020
Do you know where your sacroiliac joints are? While most of us have probably heard the word “sacroiliac,” not many actually know what this is. For those with chronic back
Is your back pain due to degenerative disc disease?
February 7, 2020
Degenerative Disc Disease According to the Arthritis Foundation, a very basic definition of degenerative disc disease is: “back pain caused by worn-down vertebral discs.” There’s a little more to the
Should I see a psychologist for my pain?
January 8, 2020
Pain is the most common reason why people see a physician, according to the American Psychological Association. This is partly because we typically think about pain as purely a physical
3 New Year’s resolutions that will help your chronic pain
January 6, 2020
What do you think the most common New Year’s resolutions are? According to the National Pain Report, they are as follows: Exercise more Lose weight Eat healthier Take a more
Stop the cycle of chronic pain & sleepless nights
December 11, 2019
Pain is a key factor in the gap between the amount of sleep Americans say they need and the amount they’re getting, according to the National Sleep Foundation. On average,
Previous Articles:
Winter check-list for people with arthritis
December 22, 2020
As we embark on the winter season, many people with arthritis dread the cold weather and the increased pain that often comes with it. For those who have osteoarthritis or
Find the right balance to avoid pain flare-ups during the holidays
December 2, 2020
The holiday season can be a challenging time for pain management. It is often a time when we are transitioning to colder weather, which can bring about increased aches and
Are gut health and chronic pain related?
November 16, 2020
“Gut health” has been a bit of a buzzword lately, so it’s no surprise that there have been recent developments related to how your gut health might be influencing chronic
How a positive attitude and being thankful can help chronic pain
November 10, 2020
Studies show that practicing gratitude even when it’s more difficult to find things to be thankful for can have a huge effect on not only your mental health but also
Radiofrequency lesioning explained
October 14, 2020
Radiofrequency lesioning (RFL) is a procedure we have at Southside Pain Specialists that interrupts nerve conduction. It is a semi-permanent, outpatient procedure that blocks specific nerves from sending pain signals
Why do you need a pain management specialist?
October 1, 2020
When you begin experiencing symptoms of pain, whether chronic or acute, there could be many, many reasons for it. Oftentimes, when medical care is required, you start with your primary